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And it can even be enjoyable along the way. That’s because play, the right kind of play, is the key to productivity. All of my products, my books and course, are all about teaching you how to play to get the results you want.

使用言語 表示件数-Mamma Aiuto Gang(Behemoth)が結成されました。-Sopra Azzurro Masamune (Mana) 「【5/9 20時〜】FC Ranan & Dove 合同イベント!」を公開しました。 -Magomago Tamago Ifrit (Gaia) 「桃太郎SP 2」を

** Discount available for those upgrading from any previous edition or those affiliated with an educational institution here. Praise for previous edition: "I always refer to Getting Things Done as my productivity bible and I go back to it regularly to ensure that I still follow the sage advice given within. Well, I’ve now got a second book that deserves to sit alongside GTD and I really

Omni Automation is a technology that allows you to add functionality to OmniFocus on iPhone, iPad, and Mac using “plug-ins”. This technology is also supported by Omni’s other apps and can be a helpful way to create a bridge between OmniFocus and OmniOutliner, OmniGraffle, and OmniPlan.

I had the privilege of reviewing Creating Flow with OmniFocus 2 by Kourosh Dini and I took many positive influences from it. In fact, the mainstay of my current setup is down to the advice and recommendations that are laid out in the book. This post is being created as a direct result of the book.


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Creating Flow with OmniFocus 3 now available. Kourosh certainly has a system in place for working this app! If you want to get the most out of the app and are willing to put in the time and effort to do so, then you owe it to yourself to pick up this book. The second book, is Creating Flow with OmniFocus (Second Edition), by Kourosh Dini. I used to consider myself reasonably adept when it came to using OmniFocus, a feature-rich to do list and action management application for OS X and iOS, however that opinion was blown out of the water within a few hours of reading this book.